Candé Restaurant
100% local Cartagena Cousine
Is a beautiful colonial house located in the heart of the historic center. It has 11 years of experience under its belt and has been showcasing the Cartagena culture through its gastronomy, its menu filled with fresh seafood, typical rice, wild meats such as ram or rabbit and symbolic soups such as cheese mote and higadete (liver and ripe banana soup). Recipes which tell the story of a golden age and preparations that have been passed from generation to generation make this a must go restaurant in the city.
Likewise, it offers the experience of understanding the daily life of this centennial Colombian city through your five senses, highlighting its dances and a select repertoire of live music that recalls the history and spirit of the colonial era.

The restaurant has an exquisite selection of wines and spirits from around the world, reason why they won an award for excellence in 2020 and in 2022 by the American specialized magazine WINE SPECTATOR.
In addition, they received the title of ‘best tablecloth restaurant in Colombia 2021’, awarded by the renowned magazine LA BARRA.
Candé Moments
Get in touch!
Reservations: 605 668 5291 - 311 697 8835
Centro Histórico Cll de la Serrezuela, Cra. 10 #39-02
[email protected]